Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Post party

After the cake and presents, Kasen played in the pool until he was so tired he was going to fall over.

Aunt Krystal helped him get dried off and ready for a nap. He didn't even take a bottle and passed out for over 2 hours. But, as soon as he woke up, he went right back into the pool, new clothes and new toys and all.
After the party was all cleaned up and over, we had our annual school's out Tiki Party for the kids. They each make their own pizza and wore their leis and had Tiki Sunrises to drink.
It was a great day for everyone.


Brent & Paij Collins said...

Looks like those kids all got some sun but had a great time too.

Jed, April, Julia and Alyssa said...

You are too cute! I never heard you mention the post party. We missed out. I swear you are the cutest person I know.