Monday, August 29, 2011

Tayla turned the magic 8!

She started off the day with Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Banana bread in bed, that is until the boys tried to join her and were spilling her milk everywhere. :)
Next she opened a few presents from mom and dad.
Then it was off to a lunch date with dad at the Black Bear Diner in my new outfit.
THen as a family we went to the mall to get her ears pierced. We had to make 2 trips there, before and after Walmart, because the first time she chickened out! Lucky for her the next time she jumped right in the chair. If she wouldn't have, it would have been a long while before we would have gone back to try again. She's so proud of her new earrings! They did have 2 girls do it so it was done at the same time, I'm sure that helped too!
This was her cake for our family party but she'll have another one when she has her friend party. She also got to have cupcakes at school on the first day. Notice the new school hair cut too.
Sunday we had Lazagna and cake with a few more presents from family. THanks everyone!
Baptism date and pictures to come in October!

1 comment:

Brent & Paij Collins said...

Cute flower! Happy birthday Tayla