Today was Tayla's 5th B-day and the first day of Kindergarden for her and 2nd grade for Cypress. We really didn't plan for their outfits to match, it just worked out that way! I think they were both happy with their day!
We were going to have a 3 baby blessing but Terry had to leave town so we cheated and blessed Kasen early but we still put him back in his suit so we could take pictures with his cousins. Don't they look adorable. By the way, Paij made Morgan's darling dress.
Kalli, Cypress and Michalene all entered things in the Butte county fair and won first place. Kalli entered a picture for Terry and he took second. It was a good experience!
Paij (Kalli's sister) and her new baby Morgan (May 22) and Haylee (Kalli's other sister) and her new baby Bode (May 23)and Dylan and Lexi came to visit this week. (Remember Kasen was June 25.) We have had a ton of fun taking pictures of the babies and just hanging out!
swingset for our new back yard. So with the Technical help of Grandpa Neil and the decorative help of mom and the kids, we got it done! Well almost done, there are still a few things to add after dad gets home from this next job. (Tyden took the first picture and Tayla took the second one!)
This weekend was the wonderful production of Robinson Curuso. Cypress was a camelian and Tena Brandie Rachel and Tom were Saturday Sunday Monday and Tuesday. They all did a great job and were very fun to watch.
We blessed Kasen this weekend because Dad is going out of town for a month on Sunday. He was perfect of course and wore the same outfit as Tyden as well as the booties that Aunt Paij brought from Belgium. We were lucky all grandparents were present!!