Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kasen's Party

We were going to have the party in our backyard and we cleaned it up all week but it ended up that it was supposed to be 107 that day so we decided to have it at the Hunters where there was more room for people inside a cool house and a swimming pool to cool off. I made invitations at but I forgot to pick them up when I went there and then Charmayne picked other pics I had there instead of the invites on accident, so they never got out. At least I have one for the scrapbook though.We had lots of good food, thanks Grandpa for BBQing for us.We had a wadding pool set up for the littler kids but the big "kids", Dad included, couldn't help but play in it too. Tom apparantly needed to cool off.
Kasen was fun with all of his presents, except that he wanted to play with them and not keep opening. Thanks to everyone for the great gifts, we really appreciate it!!
I made a sandcastle cake for now particular reason but Kasen does like to play with the toys and did have a great time playing in the sand when we went to the beach. The sand is grahm crackers. The shovel was his individual cake to eat.
He loved everyone singing to him again. I was telling him that he needed to blow out the candle while the song waited.
He was so happy to ablidge. He blew it out all on his own and everyeone was very excited, it made the end of the song so much better. He didn't understand why we all got so excited.

He picked at the cake for a little bit and posed for many pictures but eventually he did stick his face in the cake.

1 comment:

Brent & Paij Collins said...

Cute cake. I love the shovel. I can't believe how long Kasen's hair is getting. Sad I missed the blowing out of the candle.