Monday, July 25, 2011

6 flags!

This year at Cypress and Tayla's school, if you read so many books that gave you a certain number of AR points, you earned a ticket to 6 Flags Discovery Kingdom. Tayla earned one ticket and Cypress earned 3! With each kid having a free ticket, we couldn't pass up the chance to go. Here they are ready to start their day!
Tayla is a huge fan of the swings! Kasen was very excited to get to go with dad.
Got to have the love cups!
We couldn't pass up the chance for a photo with Taz!
Cypress and Terry left us and went on some of the larger roller coasters. We found a playground to climb around in and a few rides for younger kids while we waited for them.
The fabulous Shouka the whale. The kids were very sad that we weren't in the wet zone but it was in the sun and pretty full up and I just couldn't handle that.
Later we checked out the amazing tiger show. This is not an albino, but a white tiger.
Checking out the Lions.
We went to the elephant show next. The show was good but being able to pet the elephant was way cooler!
Then came the demonstrations. Above you see Terry near the end of the tug o war line, the boys are there but too short to be seen. Below you see the girls closer to the front, starting to get drug by the elephant, she was of course way stronger than all of these people.
Last, they each got to feed the elephant a cookie by dropping it in the trunk. We were all pretty excited!
The boys and I are checking out the crocodiles in the water as Terry and the girls went on the Boomerang, roller coaster.
We had a great day of fun, learning, and excitement! Thanks girls for all your hard work reading, we couldn't have gone with out you.

1 comment:

Brent & Paij Collins said...

That looks like a great day! I can't believe you got to do all that stuff with the elephants. Fun Fun